Monday, April 27, 2020
Monday, April 13, 2020
Cfare do ndodh nëse nuk i hapim shkollat brenda majit. Flet Ministria e Arsimit

TIRANA - The Ministry of Education is discussing all possible scenarios for the school year based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
In an interview on LIVE on Report Tv with journalist Aida Tancica, Education Minister Besa Shahini said that if there is no opportunity for students to physically go to school in May to receive online lessons directly from teachers during the quarantine, the school year may be postponed by one month. So the lesson can take place until July.
The most affected by this situation are graduates. The Minister of Education said that if May does not open schools, lectures given online will not be included in the Matura exam questions. Also, if there is a need to postpone the school year by one month, then university applications will be postponed by one month.
Ku jane 6mije tabletat nga projekti i Ministrise se Arsimit?

The Ministry of Education's project to supply tablets and digitize textbooks in 60 high schools in the country cost the state budget 3.5m euros.
A strong competition started in 2014 between electronic companies for winning the tender, where after a lot of disqualifications and complaints, the bidder was contracted with a value of about 330 million ALL without VAT. A year later, another company, a publishing house, won the second tender for the tenth grade digital textbooks.Sunday, April 12, 2020
A do përsëritet ky vit shkollor?
"We will not return to school until we are sure that the pandemic has passed. This decision will be taken by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with experts, not me because I am not an expert in the field. For us as the Minister of Education is not to we are losing this school year. I receive hundreds of messages from some parents asking for the year to be repeated so that they do not fall behind with the lessons that should have been closed this year, "said Shahini.
However, this option will be considered for some students who individually want something like this.
"We can't turn back the whole generation because it's not fair for those who have worked long hours. "The goal is to close this school year in the best possible way." - Shahini concluded
"Ne nuk do të kthehemi në shkollë derisa të jemi të sigurt që ka kaluar pandemia. Këtë vendim do ta marrë Ministria e Shëndetësisë në bashkëpunim me ekspertët, jo unë se nuk jam eksperte e fushës.Për ne si Ministri e Arsimit është të mos e humbasim këtë vit shkollor. Marr me qindra mesazhe nga disa prindër që kërkojnë të përsëritet viti në mënyrë që të mos mbesin prapa me mësimet që duheshin mbyllur këtë vit."-u shpreh Shahini.
Gjithsesi, ky opsion do të shqyrtohet për një pjesë nxënsish të cilët në mënyrë individuale duan diçka të tillë.
"Nuk mund të kthejmë mbrapa gjithë gjeneratën sepse nuk është e drejtë për ata që kanë punuar gjatë.Sidomos për ata që janë në lkasën e 12-të dhe kanë bërë olane për t'u regjistruar në universitet, aop për të gjetur një vend pune. Qëllimi është ta mbyllim këtë vit shkollor në mënyrën më të mirë të mundshme." - përfundoi Shahini
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Guida e Mbijetesës në Juridik - Urtësi studentore, brez pas brezi

Preliminary words
* Find exam theses / summaries in the photocopy in front of the faculty.
* You can find the books at Beqo.
* You also have the option of photocopies (photocopy in front of Mon Cheri), almost 4 times cheaper than books, but copyright ...
* You are used to pre-university education, but remember: you are over 18 years old. You are an adult. Start seeing and treating yourself as an adult, so that even the professors and staff of the faculty (* khe-khe *, secretaries) treat you as an adult. Otherwise, you are being pressured.
general part
Tetë këshilla për ditën e parë të punës

First love is never forgotten, the same can be said for the first day of work. The emotions are great even though you may have a long professional experience on your shoulders. You are struck by a barrage of doubts summed up in one sentence: Will I succeed? Of course, thanks to some behaviors recommended by psychologists
A good night’s sleep before the first day of work helps you be careful and focused on meeting new staff and all the new processes you need to learn. A good sleep schedule helps you maintain a good regimen and so you will be able to cope with the right energy the first few months of work which are even more difficult.
Djathi më i shtrenjtë në botë

If you are surprised by the $ 5,000 price tag of a Las Vegas hamburger or the $ 1,000 price tag for a havoc omelette at one of New York's hotels, you won't know Serbian cheese in the range of foods that consumers have less of.
Those who have expensive tastes and full pockets know very well the cheese made with donkey milk, on the farm Zasavica. This type of cheese costs no less than 800 pounds per kilogram. Farmers say it takes 25kg of milk to make a pound of cheese. The farm also produces donkey milk, which is said to have once been the secret of the beauty of the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, who bathed with him.
Vajza që ushqehet vetëm me patate

A 23-year-old in Britain has a phobia of all foods except potatoes. Claire Jones says she gets sick if she eats other foods. She says her stomach only accepts potatoes, sometimes cheese and cabbage salad. She says the smell of other foods also makes her feel bad. But despite this, the girl admits that this way of eating will make her sick quickly, as her immune system is weakened. "I feel tired all the time. But other foods make me panic. I can't go out with friends for dinner or go to banquets. "My life is totally limited."
Sa kushton puna e një prindi?

If a mom was paid for the work she does, she would earn 500 31,500 (36,161 euros) a year. According to a study conducted in the UK, a mother spends 71 hours a week on housework, shopping and cleaning. But even British men are not far behind. They spend 53.5 hours on housework, which, if paid, would give them an annual salary of mijë 24,000 (€ 27,551).
Zbulime të reja rreth kujtesës

Much research on the human brain has focused on the process of creating memories, storing and retrieving them. Now, a study by scientists at the University of California, Davis and the Center for Health Sciences at the University of Texas at Houston offers new insights into the process. The researchers found that specific areas of the brain coordinate with each other to form memories that include time and space.
At the Hermann Memorial Hospital of the Medical Center of the University of Texas at Houston, neurosurgeon Nitin Tandon visits a 26-year-old epilepsy patient, Tyler. Dr. Tandon has placed platinum electrodes on the surface of Tyler's brain to monitor electrical signals when Tyler suffers a crisis.
Rekordet më të çuditshme në botë

The woman with the thinnest waist in the world
It's not Photoshop. This is the woman with the thinnest waist in the world. Her name is Cathie Jung and she has a waist circumference of only 38 cm. The queen of corsets has given her body the shape of a klepsidre. Holding a waist corset for years has led her to enter the Guinness Book of World Records in 2007, being recognized as the most discreet woman in the world.
Diploma nuk i siguron një punë, e nxjerr në shitje

"I will achieve my goals even without a degree. So you can get it. " 26-year-old Italian Giorgio Tedone, currently a waiter in Turin, challenges those who say that "after graduation everything will be easier". Tedone talks about himself after posting on Ebay the announcement of the sale of his degree in political science. Tedone ironically describes the alternative uses that his degree may have. "The large size of the certificate allows the construction of up to three paper airplanes. It is very good for lighting a fire in the winter or for refreshing in the scorching heat of summer. For the smartest ones, it can serve to build a pair of binoculars with which to see the stars on the nights when I am serving as a waiter. It can even be used to build a cone-shaped vessel, where you can throw chestnuts ", explains the 26-year-old with irony.
Disa prindër që duhen marrë shembull

Being a good parent can be the most difficult "profession". And to do that, you often have to make sacrifices or kill your mind for long-term strategies. We are bringing you some cases of parents who have become role models for their children or have found the ideal solution to some of the conflicts that often arise within the walls of the home.
The father who hired killers to get rid of his son's favorite characters
Kjo është femra ideale e 100 viteve më parë

Think of the perfect woman for your tastes. Of course, the first names that come to mind are Hollywood actresses or models of covers and catwalks. But the ideal women of a century ago have almost nothing in common with Angelina Jolie, Monica Bellucci, Adriana Lima or Megan Fox.
In 1912, the perfect woman in America was considered Elsie Rebecca Sheel, from Brooklyn. Tall above average, above the weight we consider ideal today, passionate about gardening and automobiles.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Jetojmë më gjatë, por më keq

We live an average of 10 years longer than we did in the 1970s, but spend several years fighting diseases like cancer.
This is the conclusion of a study published in the journal Lancet. In 40 years, from 1970 to 2010 life expectancy has increased by 11.1 years for men and 12.1 for women. The study analyzed data from 187 different countries around the world.
But even though we live longer, we do not enjoy full health during these years, as we face pathologies such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Life expectancy
Ja pse ata që mbajnë dietë nuk janë kurrë të lumtur

Keeping a diet can be a cause for depressive symptoms. In fact, food deprivation is more or less similar to detoxification from one type of drug and can lead to symptoms of abstinence or even anxiety and depression.
The above conclusions have emerged from a recent study conducted by the University of Montreal in Canada. The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, shows how mice accustomed to a high-fat diet, if put on a diet, demonstrate day after day all the typical signs of an abstinence crisis and related behaviors such as mood swings. of anxiety and depressive ones.
Këto pesë shenja tregojnë se dikush po ju manipulon

It is difficult to know when and by whom you are being manipulated. People know how to be capable, to cover their true tendencies. To make sure you are not a toy in their hands, take care of these things, reports Telegrafi.1. Know if they have manipulated someone else
Want to know how to get a manipulator? Understand if they have tried before to manipulate someone else like the puppet. If they did, they would do it again, and no problem with you.2. They talk and act fast
They do things as fast as they can, including building relationships. This allows them to make the most of someone and leave after they have used them.3. You lose their patience
Zgjidhja më e mirë për punëtorët dhe kompanitë: Orari javor të bëhet katër ditësh

Do you think that the more you work, the more tasks you perform? Unfortunately, this is just an illusion that most people believe.
Today, most people work 50, 60 and 70 hours a week, turning work desks into second homes, the Telegraph reports.
However, numerous experiments conducted by K. Anders Ericcson, one of the best experts in occupational psychology, have shown that people can only do 4 or 5 hours of productive work within a day. Once their performance has reached its peak, people just start to 'suffer' at work.
10 ëndrra të zakonshme dhe kuptimi i tyre në jetën tuaj

1. The fall
It is the mind's eye that warns you about a situation in your life where you feel out of control. Take a look at finances, relationships, careers, etc. and decipher which area is going in the wrong direction. Try to fix the situation.
2. When they follow you
It shows that you are avoiding something in your life. Who is following you? Are you trying to avoid a confrontation in life? A responsibility or obligation? Stop running. Deal with the situation and jump back.
Përse njerëzit inteligjentë e kanë më të vështirë ta gjejnë dashurinë e jetës?

Intelligent people are more analytical when it comes to love. This is because intelligent people tend to have better predictions than others.
When we mention ‘predictions’, it is about the ability to analyze a situation, recall past relevant experiences, and look at adequate opportunities for the future.
Kulla Eiffel fsheh një sekret!
Disney World's biggest fans are aware of the luxurious suite inside the Cinderella castle, but did you know that there is also a secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower? Unlike the castle, however, entrepreneur Gustave Eiffel had built this epic hiding place just for himself - no guests were allowed.
If we say, where is the best view in Europe, the top of the Eiffel Tower will surely be a competitor. Imagine waking up in a cozy apartment with colorful backgrounds, wooden cabinets, and a large piano. Then, think of yourself drinking espresso and eating a croissant while enjoying the panorama of Paris from about 305 feet high, at the top of the Eiffel Tower. We would love to think, that this is exactly what Gustave Eiffel had in mind when he instructed his team to build the tower (and the apartment) in 1889.
10 shtetet më paqësorë në botë

Do you know which are the most peaceful and peaceful states in the world to live in? Since 2007, the Index Peace Global has been measuring the peace of nations and regions every year. Although the world seems to be becoming more and more cruel, according to this index, we present you the 10 most peaceful countries in the world.
Jeni të varur nga kafeina? Ja ku qendron problemi juaj..

According to researchers, the genetic variant in particular seems to be related to coffee consumption. Another team of researchers from Italy, Scotland, the Netherlands also began investigating.
According to researchers, the genetic variant in particular seems to be related to coffee consumption. Also another team of researchers from Italy, Scotland, the Netherlands began to investigate the links between coffee consumption and genetics. To do this, scientists analyzed several populations from different countries. Following the questionnaire regarding coffee consumption, the DNA of the persons who were taken into the study were also listed. Analyzing the results, the researchers found that people with PDSS2 genes led to increased coffee consumption.
6 gjërat që nuk duhet t’i thoni një fëmije

The way we grow up when we are children affects the person we will become when we grow up. It is important that we are excellent people in order to be the best example of our children. To raise children with personality and self-confidence is very important, the way we communicate with them. Psychologists advise that there are some expressions that we should not say to our children in any way. Here are some of them.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Pse nuk na pëlqen zëri ynë kur e dëgjojmë të regjistruar?

It has happened to everyone. The first time we heard our recorded voice, we didn’t like it. And there is an even scientific explanation for this.
The reason why we do not recognize the sound when we hear it is related to the functions of the ear, on the surface, in the middle and inside it. The middle part is what strengthens and carries the voice in the inner part, which translates it into signals to the brain.
I ngrohti i tepërt në shtëpi ju dëmton shëndetin.

Although we feel happy when we see the snow falling from the window of the warm house, we must be aware that skin care, in these cold days, is significantly different, due to the radiators.
Read below about the damages that come from radiators:
Cracked lips: Due to the warming of the environment in winter, the lips crack more easily, as the air in the room is drier, and the lips have a lack of their own glands.
Therefore, it is not advisable to lick your lips when you think they are dry because they are easier to crack. So buy mild pilling to remove dead skin cells on the edge.
Mbani ankthin larg me këto metoda efikase

Anxiety is a problem that many people face and anxiety manifests itself for various reasons.
Regardless of the causes, those who face stress are looking for methods to relieve the symptoms of stress.
Here are some natural methods that can help you reduce stress.
Tea is a very effective method in treating stress and here we should mention chamomile and green tea as the most effective for treating stress.
Regardless of the causes, those who face stress are looking for methods to relieve the symptoms of stress.
Here are some natural methods that can help you reduce stress.
Tea is a very effective method in treating stress and here we should mention chamomile and green tea as the most effective for treating stress.

EVERYONE'S GEMINI ONLY IRIS IS DIFFERENT. The percentage of twins in the world is growing and it is difficult to recognize them from each other. Even software is difficult to distinguish. Fingerprints are different, but even here the resemblance is very great to monozygotic twins. To always distinguish one twin from another, there are eye iris tests. However, to identify a person on the crime scene, researchers have developed several methods and discovered characteristics that are unique to only one individual, whether twins or not.
Ata që s’kanë besim tek vetja, duhet ta lexojnë këtë!

The power of positivity has never been more important than in today's society. The current state of control that the Internet has brought creates mixed feelings about what we should do, who we should be, and what we should achieve. Sometimes, you can feel lost, not being on the road to becoming the version you envisioned for yourself. We all have the power to control the thoughts that guide our minds - no one can "steal" this power from us.
Çfarë flet për ju stili i përditshëm i flokut?
Our habits speak and reveal many secrets to us. Everyday hair style reveals the bad and good sides of the character. It is the hair that says a lot about their owners
Braids, braids, hair collection, loose hair - connect the style and personality of the woman. Today we reveal to you the secret connection between hair and hair.
1. -You are, as a romantic personality, very open to new knowledge and experiences. It only requires positive side in people, so, unfortunately, you are often disappointed with others. Optimistic at heart and pure positive - this is surely the truth for you.
Këto janë 4 fobitë më të përhapura në botë

The word "phobia" originates from the Greek, phobos which means fear.
Phobia is a psychological condition, a type of anxiety caused by fear of a certain object or situation. People who suffer from phobias get nervous very quickly, have tachycardia (strong and frequent heartbeats), difficulty breathing, and show unreasonable behavior. We invite you to discover four of the biggest phobias of people:
Shtatë miliarderët të cilët bëjnë jetë të “varfër”

An ordinary citizen is considered frugal when he eats at home, reserves free plane tickets, travels frequently or always by public transport, etc., while a wealthy person is considered frugal when dressed in ordinary clothes, travels by car, eats at cheap restaurants, etc.
But are billionaires, the richest people on the planet, frugal and what do they do for a living? You will be surprised, because even among them there are very frugal people, despite the fact that they have wealth that they can not spend even if they lived for hundreds of years. Let's see below who they are and how much their wealth is.
Nje studim per njerëzit që rregullojnë shtratin ne mengjes.

The only bad thing about getting out of bed in the morning is that you have to fix it. However, you may want to start the day that way. Or, even if not, it’s already part of the routine. According to a recent study by, 59 percent of people do not adjust their bed in the morning, while 27 percent do. Of the group of people who fix it, 72 percent are happy people, while 62 percent of the group who don't fix their bed in the morning are not happy people.
Koreja e Jugut zhvillon provimet me shkrim në stadium
South Korea conducts written exams at the stadium
South Korean job seekers have undergone a written exam in a football field to respect distance and avoid Koronavirus.
The testing was conducted to recruit people who will help reduce the spread of coronavirus pandemic, reports
As seen in the picture they have set the tables for the applicants ensuring a safe distance from each other and in an open environment such as the stadium.
South Korea is the country with the best results in tracking, testing and treating pandemics.
It is one of the countries that has achieved success and made possible the "leveling of the curve".
Thanks to strict testing and early implementation of social distancing measures, it has had a minimal number of serious cases.
South Korea has so far recorded 200 deaths from 10,384 cases in total.
The country's Disease Control Centers set up a special department to prepare the country.
The Koreans designed and manufactured the tests, then set up a network of laboratories immediately across the country, which were all functional within 17 days.
Punëkërkuesit e Koresë së Jugut i janë nënshtruar provimit me shkrim në një fushë futbolli për të respektuar distancën dhe shmangur Koronavirusin.
Testimi është realizuar për të rekrutuar persona të cilët do të ndihmojnë në zvogëlimin e përhapjes së pandemisë së koronavirusit raporton
Sic shihet në foto ata kanë vendosur tavolinat për aplikuesit duke siguruar një distancë të sigurt larg njëra-tjetrës dhe në një ambient të hapur siç është stadiumi.
Koreja e Jugut, është shteti më rezultatet më të mira në gjurmimin, provën dhe trajtimin e pandemisë.
Është ndër vendet që kanë arritur sukses dhe kanë bërë të mundur “rrafshimin e kurbës”.
Falë testimit të rreptë dhe zbatimit të hershëm të masave të distancimit shoqëror, ajo ka pasur një numër minimal të rasteve serioze.
Koreja e Jugut ka shënuar deri ditën e sotme 200 të vdekur nga 10. 384 raste gjithsej.
Qendrat e Kontrollit të Sëmundjeve të vend krijuan një departament të posaçëm për të parapërgatitur vendin.
Koreanët dizenjuan dhe prodhuan testet, pastaj krijuan një rrjet laboratorësh menjëherë në të gjithë vendin, të cilat ishin të gjitha funksionale brenda 17 ditëve
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Si ta largojmë ankthin dhe depresionin

Thirty minutes of daily meditation will contribute to alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and depression, the analysis of the results of almost 50 clinical studies has shown.
"Many people practice meditation, but it is not considered medical therapy," says Dr. Madhav Goyal, professor of internal medicine at Johns Hopkins University and lead author of the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). "Our comparative studies have shown that meditation can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression in the same way that antidepressants work," he said. Goyal, emphasizing that it is about patients suffering from severe forms of depression or
Ja çfarë iu bën mushkërive kanabisi

Because smoking causes cancer, cannabis should also cause it, right? Well you're wrong.
Cannabis lowers the risk of lung cancer. Cannabis does not cause lung disease and is safer than cigarettes.
UCLA professor of medicine and one of the leading pulmonologists in the US who has studied hashish and its effects on the lungs for more than 30 years, Dr. Donald Tashkin had sought to prove that marijuana causes lung cancer, but the evidence forced him to conclude that drinking marijuana does not cause lung cancer.
8 sjellje që ju çojnë drejt një jete të suksesshme

A successful life is not just about making money or gaining fame, and anyone who has embarked on these principles has been overthrown many times, and only a happy life has been achieved.
But there is nothing wrong with loving them, but you should not lose track of them.
The biggest misconception people have about success
When you see someone extremely successful, you see their success in terms of the rewards they receive. You may even believe that they are greedy or selfish. But often times, their wealth and status have come to work with something that has been very important to them.
A e dini pse vendoset patkoi në derë?

Horse horseshoes, blue eyes and even garlic are often seen on the doors of houses
In our culture we encounter all sorts of symbols that hang on the walls or elsewhere with the thought that he / she will protect people from the evils of one of them is the horse horseshoe.
8 thënie të Ellen DeGeneres që inspirojnë botën

Ellen is one of the funniest comedians on the globe, she is the queen of daily television
Her show "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" has excited the audience for the last 13 years. She is the winner of 27 Emmy Awards, but she has won many more hearts.
When she's not busy making people laugh, she's a model for the LGBT community, an animal lover and a big charity, writes
Gjërat që duhet të bëni çdo mbrëmje për të qenë të suksesshëm

Forget morning exercises and meditation!
According to experts, in order to succeed in life and to be more successful, happy and healthy, you need to do these five things before going to sleep:
Këto sëmundje mund t’i luftoni duke pirë verë

Wine is one of the oldest and most valuable alcoholic beverages for mankind. Nothing is better than enjoying a glass of wine after a hard day.
This wonderful drink fills the body with positive energy and helps in physical and emotional well-being. Furthermore, it can help boost your immune system and your memory. Here are some reasons why you should drink wine:
11 fakte të jashtëzakonshme rreth lordit të drogës, Pablo Escobar

1. It had tremendous impact.
Escobar was responsible for 80% of the cocaine circulating in the United States.
2. His product weighed heavily
Pablo Escobar's Medellin cartel transported 15 tons of cocaine a day to the United States, roughly the size of two African elephants.
A great opportunity to be part of #EURegionsWeek in Brussels this October.
📢 Are you a young journalist or a student of journalism? This is a great opportunity to be part of #EURegionsWeek in Brussels this October. The competition has just started and you can send your contribution before 13 July.
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European External Action Service - EEAS
Monday, April 6, 2020
Ndaloni menjëherë kafshimin e lëkurës rreth thonjve!
Tooth irritation of the skin around the nails is a not uncommon habit, but in addition to the aesthetic side, there is a very strong reason why you should say "Stop" to this habit.
Two in three people suffer from a nerve condition called dermatillomania, which is a skin bite.
There are several reasons that explain this habit.
Some do it unintentionally, some do it because of stress or anxiety, but there are also those who see it as a way to hurt themselves.
However what people do not know is the fact that this action can cause permanent skin damage.
The wounds created by the removal of the skin, expose that area to bacteria.
The condition can be so severe that you may need to see a psychologist.
It's best to give up when you're on time.
Ngacmimi me dhëmbë i lëkurës rreth thonjve është një zakon aspak i rrallë, por përpos anës estetike, ka një arsye shumë të fortë përse duhet t’i thoni “Stop” këtij vesi
Dy në tre njerëz vuajnë nga një një gjendje nervore e quajtur “dermatillomania”, e cila ka të bëjë me kafshimin e lëkurës.
Ka disa arsye që shpjegon këtë zakon.
Disa e bëjnë padashje, disa e bëjnë për shkak të stresit ose ankthit, por ka dhe nga ata që e shohin si një mënyrë për të lënduar veten.
Megjithatë ajo që njerëzit nuk dinë, është fakti që ky veprim mund të shkaktojë dëm të përhershëm të lëkurës.
Plagët që krijohen nga heqja e lëkurës, e ekspozojnë atë zonë ndaj baktereve.
Gjendja mund të përkeqësohet aq shumë, sa do jeni të detyruar t’i drejtoheni një psikologu.
Mirë është të hiqni dorë sa jeni në kohë.
Dy në tre njerëz vuajnë nga një një gjendje nervore e quajtur “dermatillomania”, e cila ka të bëjë me kafshimin e lëkurës.
Ka disa arsye që shpjegon këtë zakon.
Disa e bëjnë padashje, disa e bëjnë për shkak të stresit ose ankthit, por ka dhe nga ata që e shohin si një mënyrë për të lënduar veten.
Megjithatë ajo që njerëzit nuk dinë, është fakti që ky veprim mund të shkaktojë dëm të përhershëm të lëkurës.
Plagët që krijohen nga heqja e lëkurës, e ekspozojnë atë zonë ndaj baktereve.
Gjendja mund të përkeqësohet aq shumë, sa do jeni të detyruar t’i drejtoheni një psikologu.
Mirë është të hiqni dorë sa jeni në kohë.
5 vende të botës te cilat nuk lejohen të vizitohen nga asnjë njeri!
It seems that globalization has given everyone the opportunity and money to travel wherever they want.
But there are some places on Earth where no tourist is allowed to set foot. Here are some of the most popular and mysterious places where no one ever goes.
Surtsey Island
In 1963, on the waters of Iceland, a 2.7-square-kilometer island was formed by a submarine volcano. It immediately attracted the attention of scientists from around the world, as an extraordinary example of the formation of an island and the birth of a new life. Since then Surtsey, named after the mythological character Surtr, the god of fire giants, has only served scientific purposes and is considered a no-go area for tourists.
Ilha da Queimada Grande
Ilha da Queimada Grande, located 35 km off the coast of Brazil, looks like a real paradise. But the journey to this place can pay off with life, as it is invaded by venomous snakes; with an area of 0.43 square km, this place is populated by 4 thousand snakes. One of the most dangerous is bothrops insularis, or golden snake. That is why the Brazilian authorities forbid anyone to visit this island, which is also called ‘Snake Island’.
North Sentinel Island
One of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal is home to a dangerous Sentinelas native tribe; they avoid any contact with civilization and react harshly to any interference. According to scientists, the aboriginal inhabitants have spent 60,000 years in isolation from the rest of civilization. These people are actively defending their territory. For example, in 2014 they shot an Indian government helicopter, which flew over the island after a tsunami to see if the locals needed help. Their latest victims are some missing fishermen; after their assassination the Indian government asked citizens to stay away from the residents of Sentinel and their land.
Great Ise Temple, Japan
In Japan, one of the most important shrines in the entire country is the Ise Jingu Temple Complex. The main temple is surrounded by a high wooden fence; only high-ranking priests and members of the imperial family are allowed inside. Until 1945 ‘Ise’ was an even more difficult place to reach: the temple was separated from the outside world by the Miyagawa River, which symbolized the border with the ordinary and the sacred. The monks were strictly forbidden to cross the river: it was believed that this would lead to the violation of the sacred sanctity and would cause trouble for all of Japan.
Gruinard Island
In 1942, the British government bought the Scottish island of Gruinard to conduct biological weapons tests, in particular anthrax. During the experiment, it was found that the anthrax had polluted the territory for a long period of time, causing the death of the population in 95% of cases. Until 1980, the island was one of the deadliest places on the planet. Only in 1986 did scientists finally begin the ‘disinfection’ of the ominous island, and it was declared safe in 1990. However, no one settled there anymore. Experts warn that spores Antraksi may still have remained on the island's land, meaning it will not be suitable for living for hundreds of years.
Duket se globalizmi i ka dhënë mundësi kujtdo që ka dëshirë dhe para të udhëtojë ku të dojë.
Por ekzistojnë disa vende në Tokë ku asnjë turist nuk lejohet të vërë këmbë. Ja disa nga vendet më të njohura dhe misterioze ku askush nuk shkon asnjëherë.
Ishulli Surtsey
Në vitin 1963, në ujërat e Islandës, nga shpërthimi i një vullkani nënujor, u formua brenda një kohe shumë të shkurtër një ishull me sipërfaqe 2,7 km katrorë. Menjëherë tërhoqi vëmendjen e shkencëtarëve nga vende të ndryshme të botës, si një shembull i jashtëzakonshëm i formimit të një ishulli dhe lindjes së një jete të re. Që nga ajo kohë Surtsey, i emërtuar sipas personazhit mitologjik Surtr, zoti i gjigantëve të zjarrit, ka shërbyer vetëm për qëllime shkencore dhe konsiderohet një zonë ndaluar për turistët.
Ilha da Queimada Grande
Ilha da Queimada Grande, që gjendet 35 km nga brigjet e Brazilit, duket si një parajsë e vërtetë. Por udhëtimin në këtë vend mund ta paguash me jetë, pasi është i pushtuar nga gjarpërinj helmues; me një sipërfaqe prej 0.43 km katrorë, ky vend popullohet nga 4 mijë gjarpinj. Një nga më të rrezikshmit është bothrops insularis, ose gjarpri i artë. Ja pse autoritetet braziliane ndalojnë këdo për të vizituar këtë ishull, që quhet ndryshe edhe ‘Ishulli i gjarpërinjve’.
Ishulli i Sentinelit të Veriut
Një nga ishujt Andaman në Gjirin e Bengalit është shtëpia e një fisi të rrezikshëm të vendasve Sentinelas; ata i shmangen çdo kontakti me civilizimin dhe reagojnë ashpër ndaj çdo ndërhyrjeje. Sipas shkencëtarëve, banorët aborigjenë kanë kaluar 60 mijë vjet në izolim nga pjesa tjetër e qytetërimit. Këta njerëz e mbrojnë territorin e tyre në mënyrë aktive., në 2014 ata qëlluan me shigjta një helikopter të qeverisë indiane, që fluturoi mbi ishull pas një cunami për të parë nëse vendasit kishin nevojë për ndihmë. Viktimat e tyre të fundit janë disa peshkatarë të humbur; pas vrasjes së tyre qeveria indiane u kërkoi qytetarëve të qëndronin larg banorëve të Sentinelit dhe tokës së tyre.
Tempulli i madh Ise, Japoni
Në Japoni, një nga vendet e shenjta më të rëndësishme në të gjithë vendin është kompleksi i tempujve Ise Jingu. Tempulli kryesor është i rrethuar nga një gardh i lartë prej druri; vetëm priftërinjtë e rangut të lartë dhe anëtarët e familjes perandorake lejohen brenda. Deri në vitin 1945 ‘Ise‘ ishte një vend edhe më i vështirë për t’u arritur: tempulli u nda nga bota e jashtme nga lumi Miyagawa, që simbolizonte kufirin me zakonshmes dhe të shenjtës. Murgjit e kishin rreptësishtë të ndaluar të kalonin lumin: besohej se kjo do të çonte në shkeljen e shenjtërisë së shenjtë dhe do të shkaktonte probleme për të gjithë të Japonisë.
Ishulli Gruinard
Në 1942, qeveria britanike bleu ishullin skocez të Gruinard për të realizuar teste të armëve biologjike, në veçanti të antraksit. Gjatë eksperimentit, u konstatua se antraksi kishte ndotur territorin për një periudhë të gjatë kohe, duke shkaktuar vdekjen e popullsisë në 95% të rasteve. Deri në vitin 1980, ishulli ishte një nga vendet më vdekjeprurëse në planet. Vetëm në 1986 shkencëtarët nisën më në fund ‘dezinfektimin’ e ishullin ogurzi, dhe ai u deklarua i sigurt në vitin 1990. Megjithatë, askush nuk u vendos më aty. Ekspertët paralajmërojnë se spore Antraksi mund të kenë mbetur ende në tokën e ishullit, çka do të thotë se ai nuk do të jetë i përshtatshëm për të jetuar për qindra vjet.
Shenjat që tregojnë se ju nuk do të pasuroheni kurrë

Contrary to popular belief, Steve Siebold says that every person has the opportunity to get rich. But is wealth for you?
To help you evaluate this, here are some "red flags" to look out for. As long as no one can predict the future, the decisions you make may not pave the way for wealth, the Telegraph reports.
These are signs that you may never get rich, so be careful:
* Pay close attention to saving, but not so much to profit.
* You haven't started investing yet.
* You are happy with the salary you have and do nothing to earn more.
* Buy things you can't afford.
* You are following someone's dream - and not yours.
* First spend and then save what is left…
* Still believe that getting rich is something you can't achieve.
Ndryshe nga ato se çfarë thuhen, Steve Siebold thotë se çdo person i ka mundësitë për t’u pasuruar. Por, a është pasuria për ju?
Për t’ju ndihmuar ta vlerësoni këtë, më poshtë i keni të mbledhur disa “flamuj të kuq” nga të cilët duhet të keni kujdes. Përderisa asnjë njeri nuk mund ta parashikoj të ardhmen, vendimet që i merrni mund të mos ua shpejtojnë rrugën drejt pasurisë, transmeton telegrafi.
Këto janë shenjat të cilat tregojnë se asnjëherë mund të mos pasuroheni, prandaj keni kujdes:
* I kushtoni shumë vëmendje kursimit, por jo aq shumë vëmendje fitimit.
* Nuk keni filluar të investoni ende.
* Jeni të kënaqur me rrogën që e keni dhe nuk bëni asgjë për të fituar më shumë.
* Blini gjëra të cilat nuk mund t’i përballoni financiarisht.
* Jeni duke e ndjekur ëndrrën e dikujt – dhe jo tuajën.
* Fillimisht shpenzoni e pastaj i kurseni ato që kanë mbetur…
* Ende besoni se të pasuruarit është diçka të cilën nuk mund ta arrini.
Për t’ju ndihmuar ta vlerësoni këtë, më poshtë i keni të mbledhur disa “flamuj të kuq” nga të cilët duhet të keni kujdes. Përderisa asnjë njeri nuk mund ta parashikoj të ardhmen, vendimet që i merrni mund të mos ua shpejtojnë rrugën drejt pasurisë, transmeton telegrafi.
Këto janë shenjat të cilat tregojnë se asnjëherë mund të mos pasuroheni, prandaj keni kujdes:
* I kushtoni shumë vëmendje kursimit, por jo aq shumë vëmendje fitimit.
* Nuk keni filluar të investoni ende.
* Jeni të kënaqur me rrogën që e keni dhe nuk bëni asgjë për të fituar më shumë.
* Blini gjëra të cilat nuk mund t’i përballoni financiarisht.
* Jeni duke e ndjekur ëndrrën e dikujt – dhe jo tuajën.
* Fillimisht shpenzoni e pastaj i kurseni ato që kanë mbetur…
* Ende besoni se të pasuruarit është diçka të cilën nuk mund ta arrini.
Shenjat që tregojnë se jeni më inteligjentë se të tjerët

Most of you are not aware of your wisdom, so do not use it in the right way. It's time to dump her and move on.
When it comes to intelligence, people immediately think of IQ. Long-term research has found that the IQ is formed in early childhood.
However, this is not the only thing that really determines your wisdom and that affects your success.
Most of you are not aware of how smart you are and often do not use your wisdom in the right way.
Scientific research also reveals some indicators of your intelligence, of which you are certainly not aware.
You are anxious
Many studies have shown that people who are afraid and anxious are often smarter than others, and in fact they perform better on intelligence tests.
You are fun
In a study by the University of New Mexico in the United States, scientists tested the intelligence of 400 students and then told them to create texts for a cartoon. The result was that: the most intelligent participants had written the most humorous texts.
You started reading early
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and King's College London have reviewed data from 2,000 twin couples. The result: The twin who first learned to read would later show better results on intelligence tests.
You are left-handed
While being left-handed was once associated with crime, recent studies link it to a kind of divergent thinking, a form of creativity where one discovers new ideas on the spot. Perhaps this is why the leftists are so present in architecture and music.
You have taken music lessons
A 2004 study found that mental development in six-year-olds who had taken piano lessons for nine months had an increase in intelligence compared to children who had taken acting lessons or had not taken lessons. A 2013 study found that children with the highest achievement were those who had taken music lessons.
Shumica prej jush nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm për mençurinë tuaj, andaj edhe nuk e shfrytëzoni në mënyrën e drejtë. Është koha që të bindeni…
Kur flitet mbi inteligjencën, njerëzve u shkon mendja menjëherë te IQ-ja. Hulumtimet afatgjata kanë konstatuar që koeficienti i inteligjencës formohet në fëmijërinë e hershme.
Megjithatë, kjo nuk është e vetmja gjë e cila vërtet përcakton mençurinë tuaj dhe që ndikon në suksesin tuaj.
Shumica prej jush pikërisht nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm se sa jeni të mençur dhe shpesh mençurinë nuk e përdorni në mënyrën e drejtë.
Hulumtimet shkencore zbulojnë edhe disa tregues të inteligjencës suaj, për të cilën me siguri nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm.
Jeni anksiozë
Shumë kërkime kanë treguar se njerëzit që kanë frikë e shqetësohen, janë shpesh më të zgjuar se të tjerët, e në fakt ata dalin më mirë në testet e inteligjencës.
Jeni argëtues
Në një studim të “University of New Mexico” në SHBA, shkencëtarët i bënë testin e inteligjencës 400 studentëve dhe i thanë atyre më pas të krijonin tekste për një film vizatimor. Rezultati ishte se: pjesëmarrësit më inteligjentë, kishin shkruar tekstet më humoristike.
Herët keni filluar të lexoni
Kërkuesit në Universitetin e Edinburgut në Skoci dhe të “King’s College” në Londër, kanë marrë në shqyrtim të dhënat e 2000 çifteve binjake. Rezultati: Binjaku që kishte mësuar të lexonte i pari, më vonë do të shfaqte rezultate më të mira në testet e inteligjencës.
Jeni mëngjarash
Ndërsa të qenët mëngjarash lidhej dikur me kriminalitetin, studimet e fundit e lidhin atë me një lloj mendimi divergjent, një formë e krijimtarisë ku dikush zbulon ide të reja aty për aty. Ndoshta kjo është arsyeja përse mëngjarashët janë shumë të pranishëm në arkitekturë dhe muzikë.
Keni marrë mësime muzike
Një studim i vitit 2004 zbuloi se zhvillimi mendor te gjashtëvjeçarët që kishin marrë nëntë muaj mësime pianoje, kishte një rritje të inteligjencës krahasuar me fëmijët që kishin marrë leksione aktrimi apo nuk kishin marrë mësime. Një studim i vitit 2013 provoi se fëmijët me arritjet më të larta ishin ata që kishin marrë mësime muzike.
When it comes to intelligence, people immediately think of IQ. Long-term research has found that the IQ is formed in early childhood.
However, this is not the only thing that really determines your wisdom and that affects your success.
Most of you are not aware of how smart you are and often do not use your wisdom in the right way.
Scientific research also reveals some indicators of your intelligence, of which you are certainly not aware.
You are anxious
Many studies have shown that people who are afraid and anxious are often smarter than others, and in fact they perform better on intelligence tests.
You are fun
In a study by the University of New Mexico in the United States, scientists tested the intelligence of 400 students and then told them to create texts for a cartoon. The result was that: the most intelligent participants had written the most humorous texts.
You started reading early
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and King's College London have reviewed data from 2,000 twin couples. The result: The twin who first learned to read would later show better results on intelligence tests.
You are left-handed
While being left-handed was once associated with crime, recent studies link it to a kind of divergent thinking, a form of creativity where one discovers new ideas on the spot. Perhaps this is why the leftists are so present in architecture and music.
You have taken music lessons
A 2004 study found that mental development in six-year-olds who had taken piano lessons for nine months had an increase in intelligence compared to children who had taken acting lessons or had not taken lessons. A 2013 study found that children with the highest achievement were those who had taken music lessons.
Shumica prej jush nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm për mençurinë tuaj, andaj edhe nuk e shfrytëzoni në mënyrën e drejtë. Është koha që të bindeni…
Kur flitet mbi inteligjencën, njerëzve u shkon mendja menjëherë te IQ-ja. Hulumtimet afatgjata kanë konstatuar që koeficienti i inteligjencës formohet në fëmijërinë e hershme.
Megjithatë, kjo nuk është e vetmja gjë e cila vërtet përcakton mençurinë tuaj dhe që ndikon në suksesin tuaj.
Shumica prej jush pikërisht nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm se sa jeni të mençur dhe shpesh mençurinë nuk e përdorni në mënyrën e drejtë.
Hulumtimet shkencore zbulojnë edhe disa tregues të inteligjencës suaj, për të cilën me siguri nuk jeni të vetëdijshëm.
Jeni anksiozë
Shumë kërkime kanë treguar se njerëzit që kanë frikë e shqetësohen, janë shpesh më të zgjuar se të tjerët, e në fakt ata dalin më mirë në testet e inteligjencës.
Jeni argëtues
Në një studim të “University of New Mexico” në SHBA, shkencëtarët i bënë testin e inteligjencës 400 studentëve dhe i thanë atyre më pas të krijonin tekste për një film vizatimor. Rezultati ishte se: pjesëmarrësit më inteligjentë, kishin shkruar tekstet më humoristike.
Herët keni filluar të lexoni
Kërkuesit në Universitetin e Edinburgut në Skoci dhe të “King’s College” në Londër, kanë marrë në shqyrtim të dhënat e 2000 çifteve binjake. Rezultati: Binjaku që kishte mësuar të lexonte i pari, më vonë do të shfaqte rezultate më të mira në testet e inteligjencës.
Jeni mëngjarash
Ndërsa të qenët mëngjarash lidhej dikur me kriminalitetin, studimet e fundit e lidhin atë me një lloj mendimi divergjent, një formë e krijimtarisë ku dikush zbulon ide të reja aty për aty. Ndoshta kjo është arsyeja përse mëngjarashët janë shumë të pranishëm në arkitekturë dhe muzikë.
Keni marrë mësime muzike
Një studim i vitit 2004 zbuloi se zhvillimi mendor te gjashtëvjeçarët që kishin marrë nëntë muaj mësime pianoje, kishte një rritje të inteligjencës krahasuar me fëmijët që kishin marrë leksione aktrimi apo nuk kishin marrë mësime. Një studim i vitit 2013 provoi se fëmijët me arritjet më të larta ishin ata që kishin marrë mësime muzike.
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