Scholarships for postgraduate (master or doctorate) studies are available to nationals of Western Balkan states for study in the Republic of Slovenia in the field of natural sciences, technology and medicine.
Under this call the following states are perceived as Western Balkans states: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Montenegro, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia.
Under this call it is not possible for an applicant to receive scholarship for Uniform master’s study programme.
Applicants must meet the following conditions:

They are nationals of one of the Western Balkan States;
They are about to finish or already finished their undergraduate studies at higher education institutions;
They are not accepted or enrolled in uniform master’s study programme;
They were not yet enrolled in the same year at the same or higher level of education of any educational programme;
They are accepted or enrolled for master studies of second level or doctoral studies of third level in the field of natural sciences, technology or medicine in the academic year 2016/2017;
The study referred to in the previous point shall take place under a publicly valid (accredited) study programme at a publicly valid (accredited) educational institution in Republic of Slovenia;
The level of education obtained by the study from the previous point will be higher from the highest level they have already obtained;
They will have a valid permit for temporary residence in the Republic of Slovenia for the purpose of study;
Their studies in Slovenia are not part of an academic exchange programme;
. They will have student status in the Republic of Slovenia throughout the duration of the studies subject to scholarship under the present call for applications;
They will not be receiving any other scholarships or any other grants or similar funding for studies awarded under other regulations in Republic of Slovenia;
On the first day of receiving scholarship they will not attain 28 years.
The amount of the resources available for the call for application is EUR 200,000 for the entire period of study for which the selected applicants will be granted scholarship, starting in calendar year 2016.
The scholarship can be granted for maximum as many years as are officially defined by the programme or less, if the scholarship is granted for a higher year of studies.
The scholarship is granted for:
Living costs: in the total amount of EUR 8,400 for each study year. The scholarship shall be paid as a lump sum;
Tuition fee: the maximum granted amount of yearly scholarship for tuition fee for an individual year of study shall amount to 100% of tuition fee, but not more than EUR 3,000 for individual study year.
The applicant must submit duly completed and signed application form.
The application (the application form, duly completed and signed, together with the required documentation) must be sent latest by 7 October 2016, to the following address:
Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in štipendije
Dunajska 22
1000 Ljubljana
For more information please visit the official website.
Afati i fundit për aplikim: 07.10.2016