Open to: young people between the ages of 14 and 29 years old
Benefits: 1st place – 1000 USD ; 2nd place – 750 USD; 3rd place – 500 USD
Dear All!
We would like to invite you all to participate in international photo contest called “Intercultural dialog from the point of view of youth”!
This international photo contest jointly organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan is being implemented in the framework of 7th Global Forum of UN Alliance of Civilizations to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 25-27 April, 2016.
The aim of the contest is to improve the values of cultural difference, tolerance and mutual understanding as well as to promote intercultural and interreligious dialog through the help of photography.
All the young people aged 14-29 can participate in the contest by presenting a photo that meets the topic, goals and requirements of the contest.
All the submitted photos will be evaluated by the jury. Based on the review of jury the following winners will be announced and awarded:
- 1st place – 1000 USD
- 2nd place – 750 USD
- 3rd place – 500 USD
The awarding ceremony of the winners will be held in Baku, in the framework of the Global Forum. Organizing Committee will cover the expenses (travel, accommodation, food and internal transportation) of the winners that will attend the awarding ceremony.
During the 7th Global forum of UN Alliance of Civilizations to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan the exhibition composed of the best photos submitted for the contest will be organized.
In order to participate you need to send the below mentioned files to
photocontestunaoc@gmail.com via e-mail from 1 March 2016,(starting from 00:01 Baku time) till 31 March 2016 (ending on 23:59 Baku time):

* Application form (to be filled online via this form: register HERE.
* Photo in JPEG format (1024 x 768 pxs, max. size 8 Mb)
One author can send only one photo to the contest. In case if more than one has been submitted, then the jury will select only one of them to participate in contest.
Photos shall cover topics such as education, migration and media issues of young people based on priorities set by UN Alliance of Civilizations (For more information please visit http://www.unaoc.org/who-we-are/).
All the photos that are not relevant to the topic of contest or promote extremism, torture, assault, insult and indignation will not be accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact at: