Tuesday, May 17, 2016

 July 15, 2016
Location: Karachi, Pakistan.
There are two ways to go about your life. You can either sit back hoping something good will fall into
your lap, or you can get up, get out and work hard to get what you want from life.
YLC 2016 is all about the journey of self-discovery; a journey that requires sacrifice, hard work and determination. A highway symbolizes transition, leaving behind certain things as you move on to the new.

That’s why the theme for this year’s conference is ‘The Highway’. This entails an out-of-comfort-zone highway journey where participants will experience a sudden wholeness and a higher order shift in their perceptions and surroundings, from the usual metropolitan style comfortable sights to the deserted airy breeze of freeways. YLC 2016 is a simulation of movement to progress, to growth, andthe difficulties on that journey.