Saturday, November 5, 2016


Provimi i Matures 2006 -Matematike e Pergjithshme (Shiko) 
Provimi i Matures 2009 -Matematike e Pergjithshme (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2010 -Matematike e Pergjithshme (Shiko) 
Provimi i Matures 2011 - Matematike e Pergjithshme  (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2013 -Matematike Pergjithshme (Shiko) 
Provimi i Matures 2013 -Matematike e thelluar (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2012 -Matematike e thelluar (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2014 - Matematike e Pergjithshme (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2014 - Matematike Profesionale (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2015 - Matematike e Pergjithshme (Shiko)
Provimi i Matures 2015 - Matematike Profesionale (Shiko)

Matematikë, zgjidhje gjimnaz varianti B, Matura 2016

Getting into medical school
Given the prestige associated with the medical professions, and the extremely challenging nature of most medical careers, it’s unsurprising that getting into medical school is extremely competitive. In order to gain a place at a top medical school, it’s necessary to demonstrate exceptional grades in science subjects (especially chemistry and biology), as well as showing evidence of commitment to the field. This will usually mean gaining work experience, perhaps at a local healthcare center, private consultancy or another type of care facility such as an elderly care home.

If you have managed to gain the grades and the work experience necessary to secure a place on a medical course, then the chances are you’re no stranger to hard work. Despite this, you’ll need to be prepared for even more challenges, both during your studies and in the years ahead. This is a profession that can demand a lot both intellectually and emotionally, with an intensive and time-consuming workload.

What to expect from a medical degree
As well as allowing you to specialize in a particular division of medicine, medical degrees also provide students with the practical skills needed for specialized hands-on tasks (from taking a blood sample to complex surgical procedures), and the ‘people skills’ needed for interaction with patients and relatives.

Many top medical schools today consider practical development a key focus of their programs. This means that as well as attending seminars and lectures, you will have the opportunity to observe professional healthcare practitioners, and increasingly to start gaining practical experience yourself.

Finally, it’s important to remember that medical training is structured differently in different countries, and medical qualifications gained in one country are not necessarily recognized in others. So before deciding on a location for your medical studies, make sure you think carefully about where you’d like to go on to work, and the process required to complete your qualification.

Discover the world’s top universities for medicine, with the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016. The rankings highlight the world’s top universities in 42 subjects, based on academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact (full methodology here). Use the interactive table to sort the results by location or performance indicator, and click on each university for more details.
1. Academic reputation

QS’s global survey of academics has been at the heart of the QS World University Rankings® since their inception in 2004. In 2016, the QS World University Rankings by Subject draws on responses from 76,798 academicsworldwide.

Having provided their name, contact details, job title and the institution where they are based, respondents identify the countries, regions and faculty areas they have most familiarity with, and up to two narrower subject disciplines in which they consider themselves expert. For each of the (up to five) faculty areas they identify, respondents are asked to list up to 10 domestic and 30 international institutions which they consider excellent for research in the given area. They are not able to select their own institution.

For the QS World University Rankings by Subject, the results of the survey are filtered according to the narrow area of expertise identified by respondents. While academics can select up to two narrow areas of expertise, greater emphasis is placed on respondents who have identified only one.

2. Employer reputation

The QS World University Rankings are unique in incorporating employability as a key factor in the evaluation of international universities. In 2016, the QS World University Rankings by Subject draws on 44,426 survey responses from graduate employers worldwide.

The employer reputation survey works on a similar basis to the academic one, but without the channelling for different faculty areas. Employers are asked to identify up to 10 domestic and 30 international institutions they consider excellent for the recruitment of graduates. They are also asked to identify the disciplines from which they prefer to recruit. By examining the intersection of these two questions, we can infer a measure of excellence in a given discipline.

3. Research citations per paper

For the QS World University Rankings by Subject we measure citations per paper, rather than citations per faculty member. This is due to the impracticality of reliably gathering faculty numbers broken down by discipline for each institution.

A minimum publication threshold is set for each subject to avoid potential anomalies stemming from small numbers of highly cited papers. Both the minimum publications threshold and the weighting applied to the citations indicator are adapted in order to best reflect prevalent publication and citation patterns in a given discipline. All citations data is sourced from the Scopus, spanning a five-year period.

4. H-index

Since 2013, a score based on ‘h-index’ has also been incorporated in the QS World University Rankings by Subject. The h-index is a way of measuring both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist’s most cited papers and the number of citations that s/he has received in other publications.

The h-index can also be applied to the productivity and impact of a group of scientists, such as a department or university or country, as well as a scholarly journal. The index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at UCSD, as a tool for determining theoretical physicists’ relative quality, and is sometimes called the Hirsch index or Hirsch number.

How are large research collaborations assessed?

For 2016, QS has introduced an improvement to the assessment of research papers with authors from an exceptionally large number of institutions. This situation occurs most frequently in scientific subjects such as high-energy physics, cosmology or genomics, where large-scale international collaborations are common.

If each institution involved in such papers receives full credit for the citations, even very important papers can end up accounting for too large an impact on the ranking results. Yet it is equally undesirable to give each institution a share of the credit, as this could discourage research collaborations among groups of any size.

With the support of the QS Global Academic Advisory Board, the solution adopted is to omit any paper with more than 99.9% of the average number of institutional affiliations for the subject in question. This replaces the previous approach of omitting all papers with more than 10 institutional affiliations, which unfairly penalised certain scientific fields, such as medicine.


As research cultures and publication rates vary significantly across academic areas, the QS World University Rankings by Subject applies a different weighting of the above indicators in each subject. For example, in medicine, where publication rates are very high, research citations and the h-index account for 25% of each university’s total score. On the other hand, in much lower publication areas such as history, these research-related indicators only account for 15% of the total ranking score. Meanwhile in subjects such as art and design, where there are too few papers published to be statistically significant, the ranking is based solely on the employer and academic surveys.