Wednesday, June 20, 2018

- Biologji bërthamë, varianti A, skema dhe zgjidhja. 
- Biologji e thelluar, varianti A, skema dhe zgjidhja. 
- Fizikë bërthamë, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Fizikë e thelluar, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Kimi bërthamë, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Kimi e thelluar, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Matematikë e thelluar, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Ekonomi bërthamë, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Ekonomi e thelluar, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Filozofi, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha frënge, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha gjermane, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha greke, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha angleze, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha italiane, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Psikologji, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Qytetari, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Sociologji, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha spanjolle, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjuha turke, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjeografi bërthamë, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Gjeografi e thelluar, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Histori bërthamë, varianti A, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Histori e thelluar, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Letërsi e thelluar, skema e vlerësimit. 
- Teknologji bërthamë, varianti A, zgjidhje. 
- Teknologji e thelluar, zgjidhje. 

Are you interested in broadening your horizons? Radboud University offers you the exciting opportunity to study or do an internship abroad as part of your Bachelor’s programme. Spending time abroad during your studies is a great way to develop yourself, have exciting new experiences, and gain a competitive advantage with future employers. International experience can be valuable in many ways, and we encourage all of our students to look at the possibilities available for going abroad.

On the International Office website, you can find all the information you need to start planning for your period abroad. Find out about the international institutions with which Radboud University has connections, and about the possibilities for funding your trip

What is the Erasmus+ programme?
The Erasmus+ programme makes it possible to follow part of your study programme at a partner university within the European Union, or to do an internship at a foreign institution. The Erasmus+ programme includes all 28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey. Switzerland has created an alternative structure: they offer grants in the context of the 'Swiss-European Mobility Programme'.

What is an Erasmus+ grant?
As an Erasmus+ student you receive an allowance to cover the additional travel and living expenses of your stay abroad: the Erasmus+ grant. The amount of this grant is determined on an annual basis by Nuffic. It is related to the number of days you spend abroad for your studies or internship. The amount is linked to your country of destination.

Do I qualify for an Erasmus+ grant?
For the General Conditions for Participation, please have a look at the PDF you see here. The actual selection procedure for a stay abroad with Erasmus+ takes place within your faculty. Some faculties set specific deadlines in this context. We therefore advise you to consult the internationalisation officer of your faculty in timely fashion.

Erasmus+, extended possibilities for stay abroad for students
You can choose to go abroad for a maximum of 1 year in any phase of your studies. This means that you can study and/or do an internship abroad during both your Bachelor’s programme and your Master’s programme, for up to 12 months per study phase. An internship should take from 2 to 12 months, a period of study mobility from 3 to 12 months. You can also choose to study or do an internship abroad more than once, as long as you do not exceed the maximum 12 months period per study phase. The same applies to the PhD phase: in this phase too, you can study and/or do an internship abroad for a maximum of 12 months.

What does the Erasmus+ grant mean for me concretely?
The grant amounts are a.o. linked to the country of destination. There is furthermore a difference between grants for study purposes and for internships.

Please note: the actual grant is calculated on the basis of the number of days that you spend abroad. This calculation is based on the assumption that all months have 30 days.

In this document you will find necessary information about destinations and grant amounts. (pdf, 259 kB)

New within Erasmus+: an internship grant after graduation
The new Erasmus+ programme also offers the option of doing a study or work-related internship abroad for a maximum of 1 year after your graduation. This can be a great step towards an international career because it allows you to gain international work experience. It also enables you to expand your CV. You have to apply for this grant, which is subject to the same conditions as the normal Erasmus+ grant, in your last year of study. For more information, please contact your faculty contact person.

Group 1

Countries of destination with high living expenses

Austria, Denmark, Finland,
France, Ireland, Italy,
Norway, Sweden,
United Kingdom

Group 2

Countries of destination with average living expenses

Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic,
Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Luxemburg, The Netherlands,
Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey

Group 3

Countries of destination with relatively low living expenses

Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
Poland, Rumania, Slovakia,
former Yugoslavian Republic

of Macedonia

Applying for an Erasmus+ grant: step-by-step plan


Register for the Erasmus+ grant online via your faculty coordinator
>  minimum half a year in advance; check with your faculty for deadlines
Before you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant for your study abroad period or traineeship, you must first contact your faculty's International Office. Your faculty coordinator is responsible for selecting students for a stay abroad. You apply for a study exchange period or traineeship abroad through your OSIRIS-account ('study abroad')
Online application
> shortly after your faculty has selected you (AND as of 1 April)
If you have been selected by your faculty, you will automatically receive a request from us by e-mail to complete your Erasmus+ online application.
Receive confirmation of preliminary registration with attachments and instructions
> After completing and sending all of the necessary information online, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the following attachments:
- the Grant Agreement (GA)
- the Learning Agreement (LA)
This e-mail will also contain further instructions for your Erasmus+ grant application.
Complete preliminary registration
> at least 14 days before your planned departure
Follow the instructions in the e-mail and send your signed Grant Agreement and Learning Agreement to
Take online language test and arrange your public transport allowance abroad
After we've received your signed Grant Agreement and Learning Agreement, we will sign you up for a compulsory online language test. You will receive an e-mail from the EU with a link to the test. We will send you a partially completed public transport allowance form for your stay abroad. You must complete this form and send it to DUO.
Receive Erasmus+ allocation letter
After you've taken the language test, you will receive an Erasmus+ grant allocation letter by e-mail. This letter confirms the provisional grant allowance you will receive.