If you are shortlisted for an interview, you will be meeting our scholarship interview committee comprising NUS faculty members and senior NUS staff members.
Be Prepared
Bring your ID for identification purposes.
Check out the location well ahead.
Plan to arrive at the interview venue half an hour before your scheduled interview slot. If the candidate before you does not turn up, your time slot may be brought forward. You should also arrive early to allow for the unexpected.
Dress suitably for the interview.
Practice answering some of the typical questions you may be asked during your interview.
In the interview room
Smile when you enter and when you leave.
Make eye contact and show an interest.
Make sure you are speaking at a volume that can be clearly heard.
Think before you speak. Pause to gather your thoughts if necessary.
Answer all questions honestly. Interviewers can tell if you are making up answers in a bid to impress them.
Ask for clarifications if necessary, eg. the question may be unclear to you.
Interview may take up to 30 minutes.
Thank the interviewers for the opportunity to speak with them.
After the interview
You will be informed of an admissions outcome before the scholarship interview outcome.
You may be further shortlisted for a second round of scholarship interview.
Scholarship outcomes will be released by early June.