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Whoever is a graduate understands best the difficulties of gathering the right information to successfully pass this extremely important stage of the period of our general education. For me, as well as for many young graduates, it was a bit difficult to summarize in ten key points the whole process of the realization of Matura. Below I have listed the most important points that a graduate should consider on the eve of exams.
10. Organize a workplace; it takes a quiet, tidy place to get the right information from the subjects that are the exam in the State Matura;
9. Create a minimum agenda for the subjects you will be teaching; for example, on Monday you can learn Albanian Literature and Language; this allows the information you receive not to be distributed to your brain since you only support one subject;
8. Get active and be energetic in the morning; considering that the Matura exams start at 10.00 in the morning, you have the opportunity to train your brain to do it almost for the exam mornings; you can deal with simple things that don't bother you physically, or even mentally;
7. Divide subjects into common groups; if you have chosen the most difficult subjects then divide them according to difficulty; for example, you can learn In-Depth Mathematics and English (Form B1) in one day; thus saving you time, and you are closer to the overall systematization of the essence of information;
6. Communicate less with social networks; It is true to say "shut up when you are a graduate"; facebook and other networks take up valuable time when you are at this stage; maybe you may have been active in a correspondence relationship with your friends abroad, the latter makes you more agile in writing;
5. Read the previous programs in detail; The Ministry of Education and Sports (MAS for short) has information on its website and orientation programs for each exam subject that you can take in the Matura process; print them out and read them carefully, it is important to understand the essence and importance that they have in the universe;
4. Oriento kohёn; be a really good time gauge, this means that you have the opportunity to read at any time, on the bus, on any long road, or in the free hours at home; this will make you more agile and accurate in your information retrieval work;
3. Learn well and follow active lessons in school, online, and more in other ways; many graduates do not attend the additional counseling hours that begin two to three months before the exams, this is a mistake; you should seek help in those cases where you can, from relevant subject learners, to online foreign language classes online (without sitting for more than one hour) or to the specialists of the State Matura process;
2. Believe strongly in yourself; It is exactly the most important thing we have said so far, self-confidence is almost the "Achilles' heel" of the State Matura process; this quality will help you with even more important challenges in life;
1. Try yourself often; this in my opinion was indeed a great undiscovered secret to many others who have gone through this challenge; trying yourself and looking at your situation was one of the most important experiences to date; The State Matura is in itself a "test" of ability, quality, and knowledge.
The moment you will be able to accumulate these ten points in yourself, then the State Matura will be a passing challenge again.
Kush ёshtё maturant, i kupton mё sё miri vёshtirёsitё e mbledhjes sё informacionit tё duhur pёr tё kaluar me sukses kёtё fazё tepёr tё rёndёsishme tё periudhёs sё arsimimit tonё tё pёrgjithshёm. Pёr mua, ashtu si edhe pёr shumё tё rinj e tё reja maturantё, ishte pak e vёshtirё qё tё pёrmblidhja nё dhjetё pika kyҫe tёrё proҫesin e tё realizuarit tё Maturёs. Mё poshtё kam renditur sipas rёndёsisё edhe pikat mё tё rёndёsishme qё duhet tё ketё parasysh njё maturant nё prag provimesh.
10. Organizo njё vёnd pune; tё duhet njё vёnd i qetё, samё i ҫlodhshёm pёr tё marrё informacionin e duhur nga lёndёt mёsimore qё janё provim nё Maturёn Shteterore;
9. Krijo njё axhendё minimale pёr lёndёt qё do mёsosh; pёrshembull ditёn e hёnё mund tё mёsosh Letёrsinё dhe Gjuhёn Shqipe; kjo tё lejon qё informacioni qё merr tё mos shpёrndahet nё trurin tёnd dukeqenёse i pёrshtatesh vetёm njё lёnde;
7. Ndaji lёndёt nё grupe tё pёrbashkёta; nёse ti ke zgjedhur lёndё me tё vёrtetё tё vёshtira atёherё ndaji ato sipas vёshtirёsive; pёrshembull mund tё mёsosh nё njё ditё Matematikёn e thelluar dhe Gjuhёn Angleze (format B1); kёshtu ti kursen kohё, dhe je mё afёr sistemimit tё pёrgjithshёm tё esencёs sё informacionit;
6. Komuniko mё pak me rrjetet sociale; ёshtё e vёrtetё thёnia “mbylli tё gjitha kur tё jesh maturant”; facebook dhe rrjete tё tjera ju marrin kohё tё vyer kur ndodheni nё kёtё stad; ndoshta ju mund tё jeni aktivizuar nё ndonjё marrdhёnie me korrespondencё me miqtё tuaj jashtё vёndit, kjo e fundit ju bёn mё tё shkathёt nё tё shkruar;
5. Lexo me imtёsi programet e mёparshme; Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit (shkurt MAS) ka nё dispozicion nё faqen e saj informacione dhe programe orientuese pёr ҫdo provim lёnde qё ju mund tё hidhni nё proҫesin e Maturёs; printojini ato dhe lexojini me kujdes, e rёndёsishme ёshtё tё kuptoni thelbin dhe rёndёsinё qё kanё ato nё gjithёsi;
4. Oriento kohёn; bёhu njё matёs me tё vёrtetё i mirё i kohёs, kjo do tё thotё se keni mundёsi tё lexoni nё ҫdo moment, nё autobus, gjatё ndonjё rruge tё gjatё, ose nё orёt e lira nё shtёpi; kjo do t’ju bёjё mё tё zhdёrvjellёt dhe tё saktё nё punёn tuaj tё marrjёs sё informacionit;
3. Mёso mirё dhe ndiq mёsimet aktive nё shkollё, online, dhe mё tepёr nё mёnyra tё tjera; shumё maturantё nuk i ndjekin orёt konsulatore shtesё qё fillojnё dy deri nё tri muaj para provimeve, kjo ёshtё gabim; duhet qё tё kёrkoni ndihmё nё ato raste ku mund tё kёrkoni, tek mёsuesit e lёndёve pёrkatёse, tek orёt online me gjuhё tё huaj nё internet (duke mos ndenjur mё shumё se njё orё) apo tek specializuesit e proҫesit tё Maturёs Shteterore;
2. Beso fort nё vetvete; ёshtё ekzaktёsisht mё e rёndёsishmja sa thamё mё lart deri mё tani, besimi nё vetvete ёshtё thuajse “thembra e Akilit” pёr proҫesin e Maturёs Shteterore; kjo cilёsi do t’ju ndihmojё edhe pёr sfida akoma mё me shumё peshё nё jetё;
1. Provo veten shpeshherё; kjo pёr mendimin tim ishte me tё vёrtetё sekret i madh i pazbulueshёm pёr shumё tё tjerё qё e kanё kaluar kёtё sfidё; tё provosh veten dhe tё shikosh gjendjen tёnde ishte njё prej eksepriencave mё tё rёndёsishme deri sot; Matura Shtetёrore ёshtё nё vetvete “provё” pёr aftёsi, cilёsi, dhe dituri.
Nё momentin mё tё vogёl qё ju do tё jeni tё aftё tё grumbulloni kёto dhjetё pika nё veten tuaj, atёherё Matura Shtetёrore do tё jetё njё sfidё e kalueshme pёrsёmbari.